1. Gee, I wonder why the Windsor Star likes City Hall so much. It couldn't have anything to do with their ad revenues lately, could it?
2. "When it's not too much trouble, Windsorites conserve" - Which explains why we keep electing Federal NDP representatives with large majorities. Deep down we want to conserve more, we just want the government to tell us how and when to do it.
3. Of course, all this is based on the assumption of a down-river bridge, which at this point, still looks pretty remote. The only thing happening on the US side is improved connections to the bridge.
4. “Check Out This Sprawl” - fire up your cameras
5. Nominated for the "Most Self-Serving, Waste of Administration Time, Council Question". Kind of reminds me of Rome and fiddles.
6. Order of Business - Notice of Motion - Councillor Dilkens - is this possibly the first steps towards more of a user pay system for water/sewage services? We can only hope.