The International Centre of Excellence for Local eDemocracy (ICELE)Fantastic site. Great bunch of links to some of the top eDemocracy sites in the world. Toolkit for delivering local eDemocracy.
"Democracy is much bigger than Party Politics. ICELE will work with all Parties to help ensure local people are well informed and have a real voice in local decision making. Democratic participation is steadily declining, yet opportunities to involve local people in local decision making, are growing every day. From text voting, to online consultations, we need to harness new technologies to make it easy for people across the country to get involved in the democratic process." Cllr Matthew Ellis
ICELE aims to provide best practice advice, support and practical solutions to help local authorities increase national eParticipation rates.
Councillors blogging, hosting forums, chats, online petitions, webcasting, podcasting and teaching others how to do all of the above.
Windsor? We hire an Integrity Commissioner.