1. Windsor International Film Festival today announced the screening of 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days to be held at the Art Gallery of Windsor at 7 pm on January 24, 2008.
For further information, please check out the website at www.windsorfilmfestival.ca
2. 'Made-in-Windsor' feature film "Baby Blues" opens theatrically January 11 at Lakeshore Cinemas in Lakeshore
3. A retirement dinner honouring Chief of Police Glenn Stannard is being held on January 24th, 2008. The event is at the St. Clair Centre for the Arts ( former Cleary International Centre), 201 Riverside Drive West.
4. Following a theme of sorts today, an AM800 commentary worth listening to (H/T Paul McDonald).
5. New Windsor Facebook - Canadian Constitution Foundation Windsor Law Club, Ruggerfest, Windsor Essex Organic Natural Food Co-op