Monday, October 01, 2007


It's the 1st of October and still no 211 service for Windsor. If you call the number, all you get is a recorded message that says "you are not authorized to call the number dialed".

The former Info Windsor operators were laid off in August. Has the community been without the service for a month now, or is Info Windsor still operating at a reduced level? The 973-INFO number is still in service.

We still haven't seen an operating agreement come before City Council.

From what I've heard the 3.5 positions authorized by Council are broken up as 1 full time administrator, 1 full time technical support and 3 part-time operators. Are the new operators all qualified yet? Will three be enough? What are the costs to out-source the remaining hours required to another 211 call centre? Are we already looking at adding additional people to the 211/311 call centre due to "increased call volumes"?

I've also heard that the 311 Call Centre has to move as space will no longer be available at Enwin. Will the joint operating agreement incorporate these costs, or will it be more funds Windsor has to spend alone?

Too many questions, too few answers. Par for the course in Windsor.

Speaking of communications - how's that "Blue Ribbon" Communications committee coming? Pretty silent on that front as well.