Thursday, October 19, 2006

Windsor Municpal Campaign Blog

When I initially started this blog I envisioned it being an information source for voters in the City of Windsor. To that end, I have searched for websites, blogs, forums and any other information on various candidates and races and provided links wherever possible. I had also hoped to attend various all-candidate events to report on them as well as soliciting support from other members of the public to report on meetings I could not attend. So far I have managed to attend the two DWBIA candidate nights for Wards 2 and 3. (I'll be posting a brief synopsis of these two events later this evening.)

Two things that have surprised me are the lack of events either city-wide or in each individual ward and the relatively weak internet presence of most campaigns. I realize that campaigns are costly and candidates operate on shoe-string budgets, but there are no lack of free or low-cost resources available today. (Blogger and Google Page Creator are two good examples).

I've decided to shift the focus of this blog somewhat. I will still be providing as much information as possible about events and candidates but the main focus will become somewhat more proactive if not opinionated in some respects. In the spirit of full disclosure I designed and administer three candidates websites in this campaign -, and . I've never hidden my identity online or tried to hide my involvement in various campaigns. I publish this disclosure simply to make it clear.