Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Press Release - DWBIA Event

Here's a press release from last nights DWBIA event at the Room. I'll post my own thoughts on the night later on.

Media Release

For immediate Release - October 18, 2006

Business Talking Business

Ward 3 Q & A Successful

Ward 3 Candidates (from left) Tony Blak, Councillor Alan Halberstadt and Councillor Fulvio Valentinis at Ward 3 Candidates Q & A October 17 at the Room

City Council Candidates for Ward 3 met with dozens of downtown residents and business owners at The Room last night for a lively session of questions and answers. Moderator John Fairely posed some challenging and informative questions about the many issues facing Downtown

Windsor, and the debate was open and engaged.

Downtown residents and business people write questions and listen to answers.

Moderator John Fairely of Cogeco TV's Face to Face.

Now Meet Ward 2 Candidates!


Upstairs at Patrick O. Ryan's

25 Pitt Street E.


Wednesday, October 18, 7:00 p.m.


Councillor Ron Jones

Councillor Caroline Postma

Gail Growe

Tom Livingston

Dan Petoran

Chris Richie

Chris Schnurr

Moderator John Fairley

Members of the downtown business and residential communities and the DWBIA


Retail and Residential Components

Property Taxes

Noise Issues

Downtown Farmers' Market

Traffic Concerns

Casino Relations



Massage parlours

and more...

The DWBIA exists to serve the business community of the Downtown Windsor area through its leadership in advocacy, infrastructure, development and promotion. Its vision is to gain recognition for Downtown Windsor as the model downtown of modern North American cities. Its mission is to develop and market Downtown Windsor with other stakeholders as the place people want to BE and businesses want to INVEST.

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For further information, contact

Barbara Peirce Marshall

Communications & Marketing Manager

Downtown Windsor Business Improvement Association

519.252.5723 ext. 26

Fax 519-252-6817