Monday, April 14, 2008

Quick Hits - Monday April 14th

1. Timing is everything. Amazing that a report from the Library Board dated 09 April takes two days to travel from 850 Ouellette to City Hall. The relentless slow march of the bureaucracy certainly benefited the Mayor when interviewed Thursday night:
But on Thursday night, Francis said council has yet to see that information. "Council asked for detailed, line-by-line numbers. We, as a council, have not seen those numbers yet."
If only the City were as prompt at providing information to it's citizens as the Library Board is to the City (The report is stamped received at the City on the 11th of April).

2. New widget in the sidebar - Did you miss the latest AM800 commentaries? Now you can listen to them anytime. Updated automatically each day.

3. Mayor of Monmouth with more on the Seagrave Demolition

4. MapMyCity - hours of fun! What would be nice to see for future editions would be an API. Harness the power of open-source web development.

5. Canadian medical business booming in Detroit - while we continue to stick our heads in the sand regarding public/private healthcare possibilities in Canada - Detroit is glad for the business.

6. 14 days and counting.

7. While Windsor bashes Ottawa to try and get $30 million, other jurisdictions are playing the same game.
Garnering support by federal bashing

Since the creation of the $2.1-billion national fund for gateways and border crossings, Ottawa has siphoned off $400 million for the Windsor-Detroit corridor and $1 billion for the Asia-Pacific Gateway.

Graham's Liberal government is angling for cash to help complete $275 million worth of upgrades to Route 1 en route to the St. Stephen-Calais border crossing.
8. WindsorWindow - a different view of Windsor by Alan Michael Elliott