The City of Windsor is planning a service-review to ensure services are being delivered as efficiently as possible. City Council will be asked tonight to approve the hiring of consultants to conduct the review. Mayor Eddie Francis says, among other things, they look at what businesses the City should be involved in and those it shouldn't.2. Probably one of the area's leaders in diversification efforts yet we still can't seem to find any money for their stadium.
3. Ontario Votes 2007 - the Windsor Star's coverage of the election.
4. Ordinary people doing extraordinary things.
5. Quote of the week: From last night's Council meeting, regarding the interim control bylaw and a residents application to knock down a shed and replace it with a garage.
Councillor Caroline Postma "It was not the intent of the bylaw to stifle development"Oops - too late. Fearless prediction - come January Council will extend the interim control bylaw, thereby not intending to stifle development for another year.
6. For those that enjoy reading blogs and the different perspective they offer, don't forget the Windsor Star blogs. A few comments always help, now and again. Note: City Beat seems to be missing from the Blog section.
7. In the " I had no idea " category - A Windsor connection in Afghanistan. Former member of the Windsor Regiment, University of Windsor graduate and current Chief of Intelligence for ISAF in Afghanistan - Brigadier General Jim Ferron