Thursday, August 16, 2007

Shadow Poll #11 - Results

The results are pretty clear on this poll. Now the question is, in a time of budget restraint, how do we accomplish this?

I think one part of the solution is spring and fall large waste pickups. We already have an issue in the West End with the annual spring departure of students. This would seem to be a good time to coordinate a City-wide pickup. A post-Labour day or just prior to Thanksgiving are possible times for a fall sweep.

I'd sooner see initiatives such as this than more consultant's reports telling us what Windsor should do to improve it's image.

The City is trying out a new project comprising of teams designated to various neighbourhood areas. I can't remember all the details, or find any links to the report on this initiative.

As we head into the fall and next year's budget deliberations, now is the time to get involved and speak to your local Councillors.