Monday, August 13, 2007

Quick Hits - Monday August 13th

Urban Art in Action - take a walk downtown and check it out! Better yet, stop in. Best live act joint in Windsor that many (most?) don't realize is there.

Hopefully tonights meeting of the Council Striking Committee is to add the Bridge Company to the Olde Sandwich Towne Citizen Advisory Group. At some point, we need to find a venue to open discussions with the Bridge Company - this would seem to be a good starting point. Failure to act will only continue enriching the local legal community.

211 operating agreement - the fall start of this new city uploaded service is fast approaching. Where is the operating agreement? If I've missed it, could someone send me a copy or link.

Ever wondered what your Ward Councillor is working on? Are they doing anything about that issue you spoke with them about? Council Questions provide a glimpse into some of the issues individual Councillors are working on. This document is a summary of outstanding Council Questions. (.pdf)

Help create an independent Windsor Auditor General to look after your interests. Sign the Petition.

Update: one I forgot to add for today. Check out a new Windsor blog I came across recently, Blog Windsor.
"If you have a picture you’d like to see featured at BlogWindsor, upload it to a free Flickr account and tag it with the keywords Windsor and Ontario. Check back often and be sure to share this site with your friends. Let’s show the world the great things to see in our community. Cheers ~"
Who knows, you may just be featured some morning. I've always enjoyed stopping by Blog Guelph to see their pics of my old hometown so I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone in Windsor can put forward.