Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Stephen Funtig - Unedited

ArtWindsor has video posted of Stephen Funtig's side of the story (he's the Capitol Theatre Bankruptcy Trustee). Well worth watching.

Very interesting on several points. He addresses the allegation that his fees exceed $100,000.00 dollars, why he considers the City's position on the so-called mortgage to be wrong and he dispels the myth that this will take over two years to resolve in the courts. He states quite clearly that the estate and the City can have the matter before the courts this summer and resolved very quickly.

He comes across as very credible, rational and far from the picture currently being painted by City Council and the Mayor.

While there most certainly may be politics involved in this situation, it certainly isn't all coming from Mr. Funtig. If his claim is true that this can be moved quickly through the courts, then make it happen. The City's move to remove Mr. Funtig as Trustee and replace one of the creditors will almost certainly land us in court to dispute their actions, which will then tie everything up for years.

If the City believes it's claim is so strong and a quick court date is available, why is the message they are giving out the opposite? Their move to replace Funtig looks more like a strategy to avoid court than actually resolve the situation.

H/T to Deb Stanson and Oona Mosna for organizing this community event. Isn't it simply amazing what you can learn when the City isn't controlling the flow of information.

Update: Stephen Funtig's Question and Answer session is now posted at Art Windsor.