24 July, 2007
Windsor, Ont. - MUNIBlogs.com is a blog aggregator focused on municipal politics in Canada.
With blogging becoming more of a mainstream communication tool, it's not surprising that many municipal politicians and officials are seeking to use it as a method of communicating with their residents. MUNIBlogs.com seeks to give these blogging Councillors and officials a platform
to continue reaching out. In addition, MUNIBlogs.com offers local officials an opportunity to network locally, provincially or nationally.
One Mayor, fourteen Councillors and one municipal Library form the base of the MUNIBlogs.com site launch. We are constantly seeking out new municipal sites and will add them as discovered. The municipal bloggers currently represented span five Provinces (B.C, Alta, Ont, N.B, and P.E.I) and one Territory (Yukon).
The main page of the site will feature all the latest posts from across Canada. Visitors to the site can also view blogs sorted by City or Province. In the City category, Guelph is currently leading the way with 4 of 12 Councillors actively blogging. Provincially, Ontario leads with eight active blogs, followed by British Columbia with four. Mayor John Stiens of Dawson City, Yukon, is the only confirmed blogging Mayor to date.
For any questions, comments or suggestions please feel free to contact me.
Paul Synnott
Site Owner/Admin
Email: paul@muniblogs.com
Blog: Windsor Municipal Shadow