Windsor Star LayoffsAlthough this is tough in a city that is facing an uncertain future, it's what rational corporations due when faced with tough times.
30 part-time employees at the Windsor Star will be laid-off in May. The company says the reader sales and service jobs will be outsourced to a call centre in Winnipeg for efficiency reasons. Union Chair Jim Angus says C-A-W Local 240 will fight hard to save the jobs and continues to talk with the company. The layoffs take effect May 18th.
Hopefully the City Council can be inspired by CanWest for this year's round of budget deliberations. Now is not the time to be expanding services and staff.
We still have nine departments that haven't had the benefit of our new (old) modified modified zero based budget process.
Time for a good line by line examination of those departments, as well as all the others.
Find the (in)efficiencies.