Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Under the "B" for Business

Some good news out of Monday's Council Meeting:
East-End Bingo Hall Reopens
Hollywood Bingo Scheduled To Open in New Year
A closed bingo hall in east Windsor will soon be reopening its doors.

City Council has voted five-four in favour of allowing Hollywood Bingo on Wyandotte Street East to reopen under new ownership..

It was closed in September.

The new owner hopes to re-open it early in the new year.

Crent bingo owners and operators worry they'll lose business to the competition.

Fear of competition from current operators is not a legitimate reason to deny someone an opportunity to do business. If the company can provide a service/product that people like they will prosper. If the business isn't there, they will fold. It's not up to City Council to decide who in the area's bingo industry should be allowed to operate. The fact that other halls are functioning under bankruptcy protection is not council's concern.

Let me put it another way. If Ford and GM were operating under bankruptcy protection in Windsor and Chrysler wanted to open a new plant - would we deny Chrysler to protect Ford and GM?

Voting for: Gignac, Halberstadt, Postma, Brister, Dilkens
Against: Jones, Valentinis, Lewenza, Hatfield
Conflict Declared: Marra