Monday, December 18, 2006

RFI - Truck Marshalling Yard to Serve Windsor-Detroit Gateway

How about an integrated Weigh Station/Marshalling Yard/Service Centre? Such a large facility could also factor in local/regional disaster and emergency planning.
RFI - Truck Marshalling Yard to Serve Windsor-Detroit Gateway

Opportunity Notice

RFI #: OSS-073775
RFI Title: Truck Marshalling Yard to Serve Windsor-Detroit Gateway
Closing Date: January 31, 2007

A Request for Information (RFI) has been issued to assist MTO in obtaining information on a potential Truck Marshalling Yard initiative along the Highway 401 corridor, between Windsor and Chatham. The RFI is aimed at stakeholders and private sector partners who are interested in the design, construction, management, operation and maintenance of a Truck Marshalling Yard, with provincial government oversight.

The RFI has been issued for information gathering purposes only. The RFI is not a formal competitive bidding process nor is it intended to directly result in the award of a contract to any Respondent.

The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is seeking private sector knowledge and expertise on a potential Truck Marshalling Yard initiative to serve the Windsor-Detroit Gateway. This facility could be private sector owned, designed, developed and or operated, with provincial government oversight. However, the level of public sector involvement would be further defined through a separate procurement process, should this project proceed beyond the RFI stage.

Through the RFI, MTO seeks to obtain sufficient information to determine:

1. What are the potential benefits and risks to the Province and to key stakeholders associated with this project?

2. Is there private sector interest in developing/operating a Truck Marshalling Yard along the Highway 401 corridor between Windsor and Chatham?

3. Are there other possible facilities which could provide a service to the general public and be of benefit to commercial vehicles travelling through the Windsor-Detroit Gateway?

If you are interested in providing a response, please obtain the complete RFI from MERX.