Thursday, October 12, 2006

Website updates

As election day draws closer, more websites are starting to appear for candidates. Below are the most recent that I've been able to find:

Tony Blak - Ward 3
Ed Kobrosly - Ward 1
Caroline Postma - Ward 2
Dan Petoran - Ward 2
Ken Lewenza - Ward 4
Bill Marra - Ward 4
Daniel Roncone - WECDSB Ward 4

One more blogger has been added to the list:
Lisa Gretzky - Ward 1,2,3 Public School Trustee

Edit: if you know of any other Candidates' websites or notice them printed on lawnsigns, drop me a line at I've tried searching under various combinations for each candidate in order to find as many sites as possible.

Free Offer: I can send an invite for a Gmail account to anyone on Ken Lewenza's campaign team who wishes it. That way they can set up a Gmail account for campaign use instead of Ken's City of Windsor email address.

Edit 2: looks like Ken has his full website up now, complete with a non-City email address.